In histopia, resource distributions are managed based on a central smart contract.

The rulers of the lands can mine these resources or generate the products by using the buildings.

These resources fall into several main categories and are stored in different places according to their type.

All these resources can be traded in the Bazaar (either by trade-off or direct sale to Dex).


These resources will be used for your land's food supply and will be stored in the food warehouse or pantry.

Your land will need some Nutri resources to keep functioning continuously.

The amount of Nutri needed is determined by the number of working Histopians and active buildings and their level.

These resources consist of meat, milk, bread, apples, rice, dates, grapes, wine, flour, and wheat.

Rulers will be able to profit from their resources by selling them in the Bazaar when their amount exceeds their needs.


This category of resources fills the civil and industrial demands of your land and they are used as raw materials in the construction of various buildings or other products.

These resources include lumber, stone, iron bars, wheat, flour, and wool.

Rulers will be able to make a profit from these resources by selling them in the Bazaar when their amount exceeds demands.

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